The Starfish Foundation

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Working Toward a Brighter Future

About The Starfish Foundation

The Starfish Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization helps those in need. We were founded in 2007 by longtime missionary Dennis Cady. Mr. Cady has been going on missions since his college days, and he is not afraid to venture to countries that many others will not travel to. Today, he is currently working with individuals in South Sudan who are looking to embrace the joys of Christianity.

Practical Electrical Training Group With a Borehole Sign

Teaching ChildrenAjak With a Woman At the Literature Center

Helping People Help Themselves

We've always focused primarily on those who have very limited opportunities to help themselves. We understand that we cannot fix broken governments, undo multiple layers of corruption, feed the masses, and reach every village with the saving gospel; but we can identify a few specific pieces of the puzzle and make a difference for individuals and small groups.

And this is precisely what we have been doing for years. We keep with the principle of "helping people help themselves." We're not an organization that frequently hosts 'soup lines' — although we appreciate the groups who do this during times of crisis and natural disaster. Instead, we seek approaches that focus more on long-term solutions for the specific families that we support.

An Emphasis on Education

Education is the key to opening so many doors. We truly care for the children of Haiti and South Sudan. We don't want them to merely survive — we want them to thrive! And we know that education is the first step in making this possible. The Starfish Foundation believes that any solution to the world's poverty must include education.

Every Cent Helps the Less Fortunate

When you support The Starfish Foundation, you can rest assured knowing that 100% of donor money goes toward the work we're doing in these countries. Absolutely no administrative costs are taken out of our donations.

We understand how important it is to allocate and use funds properly. For example, after the hurricane disaster in Haiti, a great deal of financial support entered the country. However, these funds were not effectively used, and the result is that countless Haitians are still suffering to this day. By allocating all of this money directly to aid efforts, we're able to make important changes more efficiently and effectively.